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“Disney has been in the recycling business for years,” observed Eric Kohn, executive editor and vice president of editorial strategy at IndieWire. No other Hollywood studio can rival Disney when it comes to churning out surplus amounts of remakes, reboots and franchise extensions for its content.ĭuring the first half of this year, Disney offered another entry in the Ice Age franchise (“The Ice Age Adventures of Buck Wild”), an all-star remake of the 1978 Oscar-winning mystery “Death on the Nile,” a gender-swapped version of “Cinderella” called “Sneakerella,” a new version of “Cheaper by the Dozen,” the latest Marvel Cinematic Universe entry “Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness,” a big-screen version of the long-running TV series “Bob’s Burgers,” a hipster film reboot of TV series “Chip ‘n Dale Rescue Rangers” and a “Toy Story” backstory adventure with “Lightyear.” The Disney+ titles “Turning Red” and “Better Nate Than Ever” represented the very few original concept productions under the Disney banner. (NYSE: DIS), it is difficult not to experience an acute sense of déjà vu. In looking through the list of films being released in 2022 by the Walt Disney Co. This is part two of the four-part series 'The Crisis at Disney.'

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